
Chapter 13 – Dinner With Dante

“If we look at the MeToo Movement it is clear that women are rising above a culture that is centuries in the making, indeed since the beginning of the male/female relationship. Rape culture, domestic abuse, toxic male masculinity, the good old boy network that allows bad behavior to slide because “boys will be boys”. A patriarchal society depends on the subjugation of the female species to stay relevant and in control. We have seen time and again women stepping forward to speak up about their abuse or rape be disbelieved or ridiculed, their history thrown into their faces as if she deserved whatever she had coming to her or she wore the wrong clothes or led her rapist on. Many stay silent for that very reason. A woman expressing emotion is often deemed hysterical. If she stands strong she is called bitch, witch, a myriad of other derogatory names that places her in a weak or mentally unstable light and thus should not be taken seriously.” 

Nor glanced up at the audience. The 350-seat lecture hall was packed, giving her their full attention.

“How does this tie in with the witch archetype? Witches are believed to be powerful females, although many males identify as witches too. Their stance against the patriarchy and status quo mimics the dynamics of the MeToo movement.”

“You’ll notice in films and books that women are depicted using poisons and spells where men use fists and guns and testosterone. Witches use potions and brews. Women who gained knowledge of herbs and natural potions to heal were considered dangerous because they challenged medical practices long held by men. Those women were deemed witches and often tortured and killed because of their practices. There was a time when a single female, one living without a man, was shunned by both men and women alike and considered a witch.”

She paused, taking a breath as a tingle trickled down her neck. This was the validation she needed!

“Only in recent history has the witch been portrayed in a positive light. Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz, for example. She was the counterbalance of the Wicked Witch and could help Dorothy find her way home. It is said she was based on LFrank Baum’s mother-in-law, Mathilda Joslyn Gage, an equal rights pioneer, and suffragette. So what happened during the MeToo Movement? It began with a simple hashtag that grew into a massive outpouring of personal stories. It encouraged women of all ages to come out of the shadows and share their accounts of sexual abuse. It brought down some very powerful men. It continues to resonate today. And yet, the systems that have kept women servile for centuries still exist. The witches rose against the system that deemed them hysterics, liars, and heretics as did the brave women who told their stories and hashtagged them #MeToo.” 

“Thank you.”

The applause was deafening. Nor glowed as audience members swelled to the bottom of the stage to ask her questions.

“Ms. Carraro, why witches?” “Where are your resources for these theories?” “Great talk, thanks.” “I was too afraid to come forward about my rape but you have inspired me!” “Why do you hate men?”

The hubbub of questions and press of people was exhilarating. Nor knew she had touched a nerve, relieved to have finally found the theme for her dissertation. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dante leaning against the wall. True to his word, he was watching Nor but she didn’t feel safer. Reina, Sebastian, and another couple moved up the aisle to meet her.

“Nor, that was amazing! I can’t wait to see where this takes your dissertation!” Sebastian and their friends were effusive in their praise. 

“Is he here?” Reina whispered. The buzz of the busy lecture hall kept their voices covered.

Nor nodded in Dante’s direction. Reina started. “Damn. He does look like the guy in the picture with Grams!”


“Okay. You finish here. I’m going to talk to him.”

Nor shook a few more hands, fielding final questions as the crowd thinned but she kept an eye on Reina. A moment later Reina was weaving back with Dante in tow.

“So. We’re headed out for dinner. You will be joining us, yes, Dante?”

Dante glanced at Nor, a hint of amusement on his face but he graciously accepted Reina’s invitation.

“Great! There’s a quiet place over near the quad that has great seafood. Shall we?”

Reina and Sebastian bid their friends good night, Reina glancing at Dante, trying to feel him out as they headed to the restaurant. He dressed in his usual uniform; a long black leather coat, black jeans, combat boots, black and white scarf. His eyes were dark blue in the dusk, his skin not so pale. Nor guessed he had fed as she saw no red in his eyes but she questioned how he physically nourished himself. Nausea rose as she thought of him drinking human blood.

They settled in a quiet corner, ordering a round of drinks. Reina didn’t waste any time.

“So, Dante. Nor believes you are a vampire.”

Dante went completely still. He turned to Nor, debating what to disclose. Before he could speak, Reina continued.

“Can we be completely honest here? I am concerned for my friend and her grandmother.”

“So am I.” Dante cut Reina short. She waited for him to continue. When he didn’t, she broke the silence.

“You expect us to believe you are—a vampire. Right? That’s how you are passing yourself off?” Dante’s eyes bored into her but he stayed silent. “As I see it, you are stalking my friend, Nor. There are laws against that.” Dante growled which silenced Reina. She paled. Sebastian leaned into her not taking his eyes off Dante. The silence grew oppressive before Dante spoke.

“I have spent decades trying to explain myself until I don’t anymore. People believe what they want whether the evidence is in front of them or not. That’s your issue, not mine.” Dante stopped and relaxed a bit. “Look. I know this is hard to believe. Nor didn’t believe me, until she—witnessed something that seemed to convince her. Even so.” He grasped for words but continued.

“I didn’t want this to happen. I never asked to be made this way. But I am. I can’t change it and believe me, I’ve tried. I have loved Eleanor since we were both young and that has never changed. I have checked in on her periodically ever since the end of the war. I never approached her, I never—told her I was still alive.” At that, he chuckled darkly. “But circumstances have changed and both she and Nor are in trouble.”

“According to you.” Sebastian pointed out.

“Yes. According to me. Whether you believe me or not doesn’t change that fact.”

They all sat in awkward silence.

“I don’t know what to do to persuade you I am credible. I don’t feel I have to and I am not about to do any tricks to convince you of who or what I am.”  Despite his words, Dante picked up a stainless steel dinner fork and slowly crushed it until a lump of metal sat in his palm. Reina grew even paler and Sebastian pushed his chair back a notch. None of them said a word. “I am moving forward whether you want me around or not. Rest assured, I will not hurt Nor.” In his palm, he worked the lump of metal as it rounded and smoothed. They sat mesmerized. “I would never hurt Eleanor. I’ve loved her for—” A flash of pain skittered across his face. “—over eighty years. That will never change.”

The lump in his hand was now a smooth silver marble. None of them spoke. Dante leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially to Reina.

“The kid on the other side of the restaurant. He’s your student, right?” Reina turned mechanically toward a table with two young men in the far corner of the bustling restaurant whispering and glancing their way. She nodded. “He just whispered to his friend that you are his professor but he has trouble concentrating in class because you are so hot.” 

Reina stared at him, speechless. Dante leaned back, rolling the marble in his palm as he regarded each of them, his eyes hooded.

“Nothing I can do will ever convince you. I’m not about to start tearing at people’s necks and drinking their blood just to show you who I am. Perhaps we can chat again when you have some real questions to ask me.”

And with that, he was gone, leaving the marble spinning on a saucer like a casino roulette ball. Nor would never get used to his abrupt exits but Reina and Sebastian had never witnessed them before. They sat shocked. As the ball spun and slowed, Reina downed a whole glass of wine, almost panting to catch her breath. Sebastian stood quickly, heading for the men’s room. Nor gulped her scotch.

Reina hyperventilated. Finally able to take a deep breath, settling her somewhat, she turned to Nor. “Maybe we should start wearing our crosses again.” They laughed nervously, breaking some of the tension.

“I’m not so sure those bother him. He was raised in the Catholic Church too. Maybe garlic necklaces?” They were almost hysterical by the time Sebastian returned. Some color had returned to his face, watching as Nor and Reina cackled uncontrollably. Finally, they calmed, unable to find the words to describe what they just encountered.

 “I don’t know what the hell to think or what exactly we just witnessed, except you two are trouble.” Sebastian toyed with the marble, thoughtful, before turning back to Nor.

“Be very careful, Nor. I don’t know who or what you are dealing with here.”

“Yes,” Nor sobered quickly. “Neither do I.”

all rights reserved. Tina Celentano 2025