Scorpio Season

I have a confession to make. I have always loved astrology. My daily horoscope is sometimes spot on, sending chills down my spine, and at other times, I feel like it must pertain to the millions of other Scorpios in the world because none of it applies to me. But that’s part of the fun….


Healing from serious illness is a journey. Actually, healing from the treatment of serious illness is probably more accurate. I wasn’t yet aware of the serious illness until it was detected on a routine test so my healing is more from the havoc the treatment wrought on my body getting rid of it than the…


A few weeks ago, the spring equinox moved us from the last days of winter into the first days of spring. “Equinox” in old Latin means equal, the time when the day and night hours are equal so that we are in a delicate balance for about 24 hours. If equinox were a state of…

Into Africa

Baroness Karen von Blixen, who wrote under the pen name Isak Dinesen, famously shared her life as a Danish expat living and working on a coffee plantation in Kenya in her lovely memoir, Out of Africa. In that account, she writes that she has a song of Africa that floods her with memories and longing…

One Last Bay Leaf

I’ve been thinking a lot about journeys lately. The metaphorical and allegorical ones, certainly, but the actual ones have been occupying my mind these days. The journey of our lives is marked with so many milestones, like pebbles dropped to mark the path we have walked. It is also measured by those who come and…