To Be or Not…

The creative life is not for the faint-hearted. Anyone trying to make a living as an actor, a musician, a writer, a painter, a singer, or an artist of any kind can relate to that statement. In a society where we are encouraged to follow our dreams or live an authentic life, creatives are caught between…

Twelfth Night

One year ago this month I embarked on a most arduous journey. At the time, I thought I could handle it because I had been there before, fending off an unwanted intruder in my body and in my life but it was much harder than expected. Healing is not linear. It’s fraught with battles and…


Healing from serious illness is a journey. Actually, healing from the treatment of serious illness is probably more accurate. I wasn’t yet aware of the serious illness until it was detected on a routine test so my healing is more from the havoc the treatment wrought on my body getting rid of it than the…

Do You Hear What I Hear…

I’ve been thinking a lot about communication. Or lack thereof. ‘Tis the season when I often hear from friends and relatives who I may not have heard from the other eleven months of the year. Yet it’s good to hear from them in the twelfth month and catch a glimpse of what’s been happening in…

Total Eclipse

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around that fact that it is already mid-November, although it is my favorite month for personal reasons. The year seems to be progressing with fleeting speed and I have felt the days flow by like water spilling through my fingers. One of the things I have wondered…

The In-Between

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of posts and blogs about aging. Some write about lessons learned or life as an older person or how they spend their time now that they’ve reached a certain age. Some argue age is just a number, it’s how you feel that is the true indication. Some mourn lost…